Wednesday, December 7, 2011

3 Months Along

No, I'm not pregnant. ;)

I walked though town with my beautiful friend Elissa last night and asked her if she ever finds it hard to believe she lives in Scotland. She laughed and said, "All the time."

When we first arrived, we saw the movie "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" at the old theatre in town. (Garrick says it's in his top 5. He's said that about 30+ movies...) Afterward, we walked out into the night, groggy from jet lag, and both forgot where we were. And then, pleasantly remembered: SCOTLAND!

Three months later we're happy, healthy, and thankful for our new Scottish life.

Here's an update about what we're up to:

Garrick attended a conference on Monday in Edinburgh put on by the Society for the Study of Theology. He mailed in an abstract for a potential paper, it got accepted, and then he realized that he had to write the paper. Because I don't speak "scholar," I'll interview Garrick.

What was your paper about?

"It's about how John, the author of Revelation, is both a theologian and pastor. More, how this should be instructive for how pastors and theologians approach what they do today."

What was the conference like?

"There were 30 papers being presented. It was for post-graduates. The president for the Society for the Study of Theology was there. He was a good guy, very interesting. It made me excited to be in academics because there are a lot of exciting things going on right now. There is definitely a shift to a more holistic approach to theology and biblical studies. It's cool to think I could possibly be apart of that."

Where did you stay?

"We stayed in an Augustinian Friary in the west end of Edinburgh in a neighborhood called Broomhouse. It was really fun. The Friars are nice and Barnaby is a student in the MLit program at St Andrews and we stayed with him. They were very hospitable and said they were happy to never have to be up at 3 AM with crying children due to their vow of celibacy. Classic!"


I slept in Monday and then packed for a girls night with Mary Blake and Lindsay. The first snow of the year dotted the ground and I walked into town to catch the bus, first stopping by Starbucks to get a red cup! Sadly here in Scotland, they don't have peppermint flavoring...

At the bus station I waited a few minutes until the bus to Guardbridge pulled into Stance 1. The elderly male bus driver made it clear to me through his gruff voice and harsh words that absolutely NO hot drinks are allowed on the bus.

Obediently, I went to throw it away and he then yelled again that if I held onto it really tight, I could keep it.

Strike number 2 occurred when I pulled out a twenty to pay for my bus fare. He refused to take it and told me I couldn't ride the bus.

I went back into the station and asked the woman behind the help desk if she had change. She didn't, but said the drivers would. I told her I had just been refused and she said, "That was Charlie. Wait for the next driver." I guess Charlie has a reputation.

I handed my twenty to the next bus driver and was again scolded that he would not accept my money. So, thanks to the Blue Stone Pub down the street, I got change and took the THIRD bus to Guardbridge.

I didn't let mean old Charlie ruin my day.

Mary Blake and I watched Modern Family, ordered pizza, and then Lindsay arrived after work. What a fun group of girls! And the best part? We all can relate to one another because our husband's are in the same program.

Hitting the 3 month mark makes me feel feel both proud and thankful.

I am proud of Garrick for his dedication to excellence in his studies. He's in his "happy place" here and has acclimated very well.

I am also proud of myself. I thinks that's okay to feel sometimes. When we got married at age 20, I laughed at Garrick when he talked about possibly living in another country. And now look where I am! I've found strength that I didn't know I had and have learned more in 3 months than I have in the last 3 years!

And finally, I'm thankful. Thankful for things that I may not have recognized in August:

-Walking 3 miles a day
-My turquoise scarf
-Taste Coffee
-Being New
-Living in the moment
-Maisha Curry
-My strong and amazing family
-Pictures of my nephews
-My best friend and husband, Garrick Allen
-My new identity in Christ that does not include my salary, possessions, or status

We'll see how much we've changed at 6 months along! As always, please comment!


  1. Amen Andrea! I'm not living in a foreign country, but sometimes it feels like it here at the camp because life is just so different. But I'm happier here than I thought possible and have learned so much in the last four months. Thanks for sharing your journey:) - Leah

  2. i love your blogs! i feel like i am reading a book :)

  3. Leah, thank you for reading! I can imagine that it's a lot different living on a camp. How simple and peaceful though! You should start a blog because I'd love to read about what you're up to!

    Regan, thank you!! I wish lots of other people felt the same way. ;) Are you still planning your trip out here?!?!? Love you very much.
