Monday, August 22, 2011

Flying Underwear and Tiny Rooms

I've been waking up several times a night with vivid visions of myself carrying two backpacks, wheeling a 50 lb suitcase and struggling to walk through airports, train stations, and bus depots. I even imagine myself falling dramatically with underwear flying everywhere. I expressed my concern about moving all of my belongings across the world and Garrick responded typically, "It will be fine." In some ways, I am happy this is my biggest concern. I haven't even begun to worry about being isolated, anxious, or even lost in a new place. (I think it's pretty hard to get lost in St Andrews, considering it's smaller than my hometown of Snohomish.) Lately, I can't really see past September 3rd, driving to SeaTac with our heavy luggage in the trunk.

Missing my family and friends is a given. This week, however, I've been surprisingly sad over something else: our room. After college Garrick and I moved out of our tiny, mold-infested apartment into an even tinier room in the basement of the church parsonage. Somehow, we managed to squeeze hundreds of books, a chair, a bed, a dresser, and two grown adults into this room. Recently, we moved in with Garrick's family. Again, we made one room our home. This room is across the 3 foot landing from his mom and step dad and right next door to his college aged brother. I've complained quite a bit about our living situation over the past year: "I want my own house. I want my own stuff."

Life is simple in one room. It's easily cleaned. It's contained. I will fondly remember our room. Would I live in one room again? Not a chance! But I can say without hesitation that our little room has had a large influence on my life. I learned that life is not about possessions. Because if it is, I am failing miserably. I also learned how to shower quickly, shut doors quietly, and wash my dishes right after I cook. And most importantly, I know I can live in a 14 X 16 box. My friends and family often worry that Garrick and I won't be used to such small living quarters in Scotland. But in two weeks, I'll walk up to our little flat on Langlands Road and it won't feel so little.


  1. Great perspective...and I am way out of the loop. What are you guys doing in Scotland?? :)

  2. Garrick is going to St Andrews University for his Masters. Thanks for reading!!

  3. Yes, carrying backpacks and wheeling heavy luggage is not a fun thing to do but it is doable and so far I've never had undies pop out everywhere. i think the worst part for me was just picking and choosing what to take and what to leave behind. That gets easier each time too though. This is a very exciting adventure for both of you but it is totally normal to be also a bit freaked out at this stage.

  4. Actually, on my way to England in 1999, I over-stuffed my suitcase. When the bags came around the carousel, I said to myself "Gosh, I wonder who's bag that is that busted open all over the place...."

    Needless to say, I frantically chased my undies around the carousel.... true story!


  5. Eric, thanks for sharing! That's a great story. :) You and Anne have a free place to stay in should come!

