Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Sunday

Easter weekend began with the stomach flu in the Allen abode. Because of this, we didn't feel our best for Easter Sunday, but still participated in the day the best we could. And it was a wonderful day!
Every year, there is a 7am sunrise service at St Mary on the Rock overlooking the North Sea, just a few steps from our flat. All churches in St Andrews gather together to celebrate the resurrection. Hymns are sung, a sermon is preached, and communion is served. Truly, this service is something we will miss when we leave.

After resting a bit at home, we attended All Saints Church at 10:30 to watch John and Sam Brewer's baptism. It was special to be present for this significant day in their lives. I felt a bit awkward making my way through the liturgy, but enjoyed experiencing the Easter Eucharist. 

After eating nothing but crackers and juice all weekend, it was decided that Taste lattes and croissants were in order. The day was sunny and still and the temperature was perfect! We sat on a bench overlooking the sea and our view looked like this:

Easter dinner was hosted by Jesse and Liana. I say this at every holiday, but friends become family when you live away from home. And we are grateful for our family in St Andrews. Dinner included lamb with tahini sauce, mint peas, roasted potatoes, salad, Paska donuts, and a cake for Raymond's birthday!


Happy Easter Week!
And we are raised with Him,
Death is dead, love has won, Christ has conquered;
And we shall reign with Him,
For He lives: Christ is risen from the dead!